Our friends at Taiwan Innocence Project recently shared with their followers about their experiences at the U.S.-Asia Law Institute’s Wrongful Conviction Program. Read a translation of their newsletter below.
【冤冤相報 no.62】礦井中的金絲雀——記紐約大學冤案實習計畫
2015年美國紐約大學法學院亞美法研究所(The U.S.-Asia Law Institute of NYU School of Law)柏恩敬(Ira Belkin)教授受邀到法官學院授課,在台期間,柏恩敬教授來到平冤協會,認識平冤運作,這是平冤與紐約大學亞美法研究所第一次交集。之後,亞美法研究所接續規劃了一場紐約大學的冤案實習計畫,要讓亞洲關心冤案的學者、律師們更認識美國的冤案實務。
In 2015, Professor Ira Belkin from U.S.-Asia Law Institute (USALI) of NYU School of Law was invited to give a lecture at the Judge’s Academy of Taiwan. And during his stay, he visited the office of Taiwan Innocence Project (TIP) and learned about how TIP works. This marks our first interaction with USALI. Later, USALI launched a multi-year wrongful convictions program, to help Asian scholars and lawyers gain deeper understanding about how wrongful convictions occur in the US.
The first workshop was carried out in October 2016 in New York. TIP’s Executive Director, Shih-Hsiang Lo attended the workshop and witnessed the development of innocence movement in the U.S. This program was quite well-received and consequently helped to strengthen the development of the innocence movement in Asia. The original one-time program thus became an important annual event of USALI every fall. TIP continues to send representatives every year to attend this program to learn about innocence organizations in the United States as well as various Asian jurisdictions carrying out exoneration work. This year, Jada Wang from TIP Legal Department attended the workshop. Towards the end of this workshop, NYU arranged a special public dialogue between speakers from the US and East Asia on lessons learned from wrongful convictions, during which Lawyer Yu-ning Chen from TIP attended and shared with the audience the recent developments of TIP.
1992年無辜計畫(Innocence Project)在紐約成立,透過DNA建立起冤案救援的典範,從被冤者的平反到檢視誤判成因,再到制度建立,在冤案的地圖上,紐約有著特殊的地位,也讓紐約實習計劃更顯珍貴。
In 1992, the Innocence Project was founded in New York. Through DNA exonerations, Innocence Project established a model for exoneration work worldwide. From exonerating the wrongfully convicted to examining causes of miscarriage of justice, and establishing various corrective and preventative mechanisms. The Innocence Project of New York holds a special place on the map of global innocence work. Because of this unique connection, it makes the opportunity to attend the workshop in New York even more meaningful.
Thanks to many people’s efforts, TIP is able to share some new progress in its cases every time when its members travel to New York. In 2017, we won the retrial and the exoneration of the Cheng Hsing-tse case, as well as legislation of the post-conviction DNA testing system. In 2018, at the USALI workshop, Tang-ni Liang introduced the Hsieh Chih-Hung case, where he was wrongfully convicted and has been on death row for 18 years. At the USALI workshop of 2019, Jada Wang reported on how TIP managed to open the door for a retrial in this case.
Looking back at USALI’s first wrongful convictions workshop in 2016, TIP published a West 4th Street Diary (translators’ note: named after the name of the street where USALI is located). From then on, Ching-Yu, Tang-ni and Jada, by taking part in the workshops and sharing their knowledge, experience and notes, have been continuously accumulating the significance of USALI to exoneration work at TIP. It is understood that USALI’s four-year program on wrongful convictions will come to an end this year. In this TIP newsletter #62, Jada and Yu-ning shared their observation and takeaways from this year’s workshop. We would like to thank USALI for its careful planning and considerate arrangement. Look forward to our collaborating in the future!
CANARY in a Coal Mine: on NYU Wrongful Convictions Workshop
Written by Jada WANG
Edited by Yi-Hsuan WANG Yun-ching KO
This year marks the fourth anniversary of USALI’s wrongful convictions workshop, with participants from Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, China and Hong Kong. I also took part in the workshop as a representative from TIP.
In any given wrongful conviction case, or rather any case, there are witnesses, physical evidence and the defendant, who is at the center of the storm. Accordingly, USALI arranged the course of the program walking us into the interrogation room, the crime lab, the courts, and the story of the defendants. Through its program, we learned about the criminal justice system, causes of wrongful convictions and mechanisms of post-conviction relief in the US.
Police officers and professors of psychology in the interrogation room▌
Before DNA technology became available as new evidence in post-conviction cases and thus made the existence wrongful conviction an indisputable fact, many experts and scholars had been sniffing at the notion of false confessions. Nowadays, more and more experts and scholars have joined the efforts to analyze causes of wrongful convictions based on documented exoneration cases. False confession has been proved to be one of the most important contributors to wrongful convictions.
這項計畫分別邀請到來自英國和美國的兩位警探與大家分享刑事偵查程序。來自英國的Andy Griffiths是國際知名的調查、訪談和訊問專家,負責培訓英國警察如何進行調查訪談;來自美國的James Trainum,則是某次在工作上無意間製造出虛假自白後,便開始全心投入偵訊程序改革的退休警探。
During this year’s workshop, USALI invited two detectives respectively from the UK and the U.S. to talk about criminal investigation. Dr. Andy Griffiths is a world-renowned expert in investigation, interview and interrogation, who was responsible for training UK police officers on how to conduct investigative interview. Mr. James Trainum is a retried American detective, who discovered a false confession that he unconsciously produced during interrogation, has been devoting his career to reform investigation and interrogation methods ever since.
除了在偵查第一線的警探外,計畫也邀請到心理學專家Saul Kassin教授蒞場。他的研究顯示,虛假自白不但會發生,從已知的冤案來看,越嚴重的罪行,虛假自白的比例反而越高。
In addition to front-line detectives, the workshop also invited Professor Saul Kassin, a leading psychologist to meet with the group. His research shows that false confessions not only occur, but also have a counter-intuitive pattern, which is, based on known wrongful convictions, the severer the charge is, the higher percentage of false confession will be.
It seems extremely unreasonable at the first glance, doesn’t it? Professor Kassin explained, “Someone might admit to trivial offenses in order to save the trouble or to go home early, but how could an innocent person admit to killing someone?”
Professor Kassin interviewed defendants from wrongful conviction cases and found that, compared to guilty defendants, the reason that innocent people are more likely to give false confessions is because “under exhaustion or overwhelming pressure, innocent people are more likely to compromise and believe that they will have the chance to clear their name later”. Through the information imparted from these leading experts, we got to learn the situation inside the interrogation room, including the impact of various interrogation methods and formats on the interrogated, and some potential causes of wrongful convictions.
心理學專家Saul Kassin教授分享虛假自白之成因。Psychologist Professor Saul Kassin sharing causes of false confessions.
Physical Evidence and Forensic Analysts in Forensic Labs ▌
While police officers try to gather case facts by questioning eyewitnesses, defendants and other witnesses in the interrogation room, physical evidence will be sent to crime labs, subject to forensic analysts for collecting, analyzing and examining.
為了更加瞭解這個階段的運作,除了邀請相關專家來分享外,亞美法中心也安排大家參訪紐約市首席法醫辦公室(Office of Chief Medical Examiners,OCME)。當天,我們來到位於中城區的辦公大樓,大廳裡刻著OCME的箴言:「科學為正義服務」(Science serves Justice)。通過安檢後,我們來到專門提供參觀和鑑識人員訓練的實驗室。
To better explain how it works, in addition to inviting experts to talk to the group, USALI also arranged a visit to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiners (OCME). On that day, we met in front of its office building located in the midtown of New York City. In the lobby, I saw an engraved motto: “Science Serves Justice”. After passing the security, we went in to the training lab, which is designed specifically to train new forensic analysts and also open to the public for visiting.
鑑識人員向我們說明了幾種典型案件中的採證流程,如妨害性自主案件中的性侵驗傷包(rape kit)、鬥毆事件中的凶器或衣物等等。當這些證物被送到實驗室後,他們會採集物品上殘留的DNA,保存並鑑定樣本。在案件有需要的時候,鑑識人員也會出庭作證。
Forensic analysts explained to the group the procedure governing evidence collection in several typical types of crimes, e.g. rape kits in sexual assault cases, or weapons/pieces of clothes from battery cases. When these pieces of evidence are sent to this lab, they will collect the DNA that has been left on the items, preserve and test the samples. When needed, forensic analysts will also testify in court.
When it comes to DNA testing, most people have the impression that DNA is so unique that it leaves no room for doubt and is infallible. Although the development of science and technology makes it possible to test DNA from low copy samples, the outcomes are usually unsatisfactory. In fact, when a crime lab performs DNA testing, it won’t test the entirety of DNA, but rather a selection of loci. Moreover, most of the times, DNA samples obtained from the crime scene are incomplete, of uneven quality, and often appear as mixtures. These factors all contribute to the complexity of DNA testing. As a result, the forensic analysts talk more about statistics, rather than simply exclusion or conclusion.
During discussion, the former Executive Director of USALI, Professor Ira Belkin said:
“We would like to look for a simple, effective, infallible ironclad proof and DNA appears like one. But in fact, such proof does not exist.”
I think this is the best footnote to DNA evidence and all other forensic evidence.
Incarcerated Victims of Miscarriage of Justice and Innocence Groups ▌
討論冤案,不可避免的一定會接觸它的核心:受冤者。中央公園五人案的受冤者Kevin Richardson在課程尾聲的公開演講中說:「當所有人都不相信我的時候,就像是扯破喉嚨大叫卻沒有人能聽見我的聲音。」
To address wrongful convictions, we would inevitably discuss about exonerees, the center of the issue. Kevin Richardson, one of five exonerees of the Central Park jogger case, spoke at the public dialogue, held at the end of the program that “our voices were loud during the 80s, but it was a whisper to the world; we felt nobody was listening even though we were screaming that we were innocent ”.
To get the exonerees’ voices back, it is the work of various innocence projects and exoneration advocates. We had conversations with many such organizations throughout the workshop, including the Innocence Project, the Exoneration Initiative, the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission as well as the Conviction Integrity Unit, etc. These organizations include ones not-for-profit, government established, long-established and newly-established. Their commonality is that they are all dedicated to helping wrongfully convicted people regain their liberty and innocence.
These cases of wrongful convictions are like canaries in the coal mine, calling attention for things that ail the criminal justice system overall. It is a quote from the last day of the program, and it is the most impressive quote throughout the whole trip to New York.
Canaries die in coal mines where toxic gas diffuses, and their death will alert the miners to the danger in the coal mine. Exonerees, one after another spent decades under the coal mine of wrongful convictions and their cases provide a warning to us that the criminal justice system is imperfect.
Since the establishment of the Innocence Project, which only represents cases where DNA could prove innocence, in 1992, more and more innocence organizations have emerged, providing assistance to cases lack of testable DNA evidence. The reason why it is even possible to rectify these cases, is because DNA exonerations prove to the world that even though a criminal justice system tries its best to prevent wrongful convictions, errors still exist in judgments. Through the death of these “canaries”, experts and scholars started to realize, discuss and study causes of wrongful conviction, such as false confession, eyewitness misidentification, faulty memory, etc. Similarly, thanks to these exonerees whose cases have been corrected, mechanism for reopening a case for a new trial has been taken more seriously and been improved continuously.
During this trip, I flew across half the world, yet at the other side of the world, causes of wrongful convictions nevertheless look so similar to these found in Taiwan----familiar issues and problems occur repeatedly in various cases. At the end of day, we are struggling in the same coal mine. This makes us frustrated and at the same time filled with hope: with so many miners across the world, we can certainly succeed